All are welcome at MIT, and we strive to support diversity in EECS: gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ability, ethnicity, religion, and parental status.
Mission Statement
THRIVE is a non-identifying, intersectional organization connected to Violence Prevention and Response (VPR). The group represents and supports diversity in EECS: cultural, gender, sexuality, stage-of-life, etc. THRIVE is committed to creating sustainable academic climate/culture change as well as to building immediate community for underrepresented graduate students by supporting, advocating for, and providing information about diversity/equity/inclusion and mental/physical/relationship health.
Combating Isolation
We will combat isolation by building communities within EECS for individuals with diverse characteristics. We recognize that some individuals belong to multiple groups, which can add complexity to a sense of identity. No one needs to feel alone.
Institutional Change
We believe that it is our place to advocate to the upper administration for policies that promote the success of all students currently at MIT and for fair hiring practices for all those who want to come here. To accomplish this, we hope to create a space to express successes and frustrations as we all share our diverse set of experiences and viewpoints. We do not expect every individual from a certain minority group to have the same experience and will work towards showing the variety in experience as we advocate to the department.
Dynamic Organization
THRIVE strives to be an organization that can learn from its mistakes but will not deviate from its core values of inclusion and equity for all. In order to achieve this goal, the Safe Space Clause is a living set of values and will be amended and changed to proactively serve the EECS community.
A diverse group advocating for social change within MIT EECS
A non-identifying, broadly supportive group
A peer-to-peer support organization
A centralized platform for searching and connecting with resources at MIT
A confidential resource (i.e., non-mandatory reporting)
A “first: do no harm” believer
Comprised of Navigators and Architects: navigators undergo extensive training
A professional mental or physical health counseling service
Affiliated with a unique underrepresented community, but rather broadly supports diversity and intersectionality
An island, but rather a link to the professional aid offices at MIT
A long-term mental health support group
Equipped to deal with emergencies and will contact the proper resources if need be
Static - we will grow and evolve with the needs of the MIT community
THRIVE with Coffee
Free beverage and a chat
Reach out to a THRIVE member to chat about life at MIT over complementary coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and a snack!
Navigators are graduate students who undergo extensive training in mental health first-aid, diversity/equity/ inclusion sensitivity, and bystander intervention through professional organizations (MIT's Violence Prevention and Response, the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC), Fenway Health). Navigators will provide one-on-one support in the areas of mental, physical, and relationship health to individuals within the EECS department.
Architects are students who represent MIT’s diverse graduate student body and focus on organizing events that promote community-building, diversity, equity, inclusion, and wellness. Ambassadors and Navigators are available to discuss their experiences at MIT over coffee with prospective or current graduate students.